I n t e r i o r D E S I G N

This case involves a recently built apartment in Banqiao. Due to space restrictions, the little home is designed to provide high performance in a compact footprint in order to fulfill the storage function need. A wooden overhead cabinet and a woven door are employed to provide ambiance and ventilation in the entrance. With the reflection of the mirror wall, the entrance's initial narrowness is transformed into spaciousness, and various hues of flooring are employed to demarcate several regions.The gray terrazzo wall in the living room serves as a visual barrier between the entry and the kitchen, while the rounded corner of the open kitchen optically softens the lines. In lieu of a typical sofa's main wall, the focus in this instance is on maximizing space use in the reserved area, while simplicity and minimalism permeate the design.The ceiling is built with open pipes to create a space without unnecessary adornment and to heighten the impression of space. The beige-gray color is utilized to increase the height level, and the curved design twists the interface gently. It also employs beige-gray to enhance the height level, and the interface's design is gently curved. It lessens the feeling of oppression and trims the beams, and by the projection of track lighting, it creates the visual illusion of a gentle glow.

此案為板橋一處公寓式新成屋,因為空間條件限制下,為了滿足需要的儲物機能,透過規劃讓小宅在有限空間做高效能表現。玄關處利用木作頂天櫥櫃,編織門片的設計營造氛圍感,機能上也兼具通風效果。再搭配鏡面牆的反射,將原本狹長的玄關變寬敞,另運用不同色調地板,劃分出不同的場域。客廳以灰色水磨石牆鋪畫,做為玄關延伸至廚房區色調的緩衝,而銜接開放式廚房轉角處,做圓弧轉折的設計,視覺上柔化了線條。此案沒規劃常見的沙發主牆,主要考量在保留場域裡做出最大的空間效益,反而流露出一抹簡潔俐落。天花板利用明管設計,營造無過度修飾的空間,拉高空間感,也使用米灰色調讓高度層次延伸,再透過弧形設計柔和轉折介面。降低壓迫感和修飾大樑,另搭配軌道燈投射,展現出柔和光暈視覺效果。| 新北室內設計 | 空間規劃 |  客變設計 | 新成屋設計 |





LOCATION : 新北市      YEAR 2022   SIZE 15坪     TYPE : 住宅