I n t e r i o r D E S I G N


Light follows the arc and enters the room, with the arc wall acting as a screen. A single arc carries many purposes. It defines the entrance corner of the home, organizing the clothing and shoes for entering and exiting. The screen-like arc wall solves the problem of the hallway avoiding the sight of the floor-to-ceiling windows upon entering. And between the screens, a gap is carved out to let light into the room. With the light, the intersection of the arc wall and the right angle is faintly revealed in the reflection of the mirror, subtly revealing the shape of the home. In the calmness of the heart, accompanied by the halo of light, one can enjoy the ceremonial atmosphere of entering the home. Due to the high indoor humidity during the rainy season, reaching 70-80%, an air circulation system is installed and mineral paint with temperature and humidity regulation function is used throughout the room. On the right side of the entrance, a gray iron cover is used to reduce excessive cluttered lines. The homeowners plan to accommodate potential future family members and have reserved a multi-functional room. The public area is semi-open, and since the living room sofa has been purchased in advance, the design follows the form of the sofa, with the light halo guiding the ink on the wall. The wall is painted with light-colored mineral paint, and the off-white handmade bricks echo the exterior of the building. The dining room is located at the intersection of the public and private areas, with partially open space allowing sunlight to enter. With the changing modern lifestyle, the dining table is no longer just for dining, but also serves various purposes such as reading and working. By doing so, the wall increases display shelves and storage cabinets for small appliances, softening the atmosphere with some wooden elements. The hallway of the living space becomes lively with the multiple functions of the dining room. The bathroom and master bedroom deliberately use hidden door designs to eliminate the outlines of multiple door frames, presenting a comfortable and neat visual. In the master bedroom, a long glass reflects the light, with a Queen SIZE bed as the center, connecting the master bathroom and dressing room. The empty space above the headboard also serves as a medium for extending the light, creating vertical and horizontal architectural structures for visual focal points, injecting a sense of depth into the focal point.


光循弧線入室,弧牆如屏風。一道弧線,承載了諸多用途。為家門界定玄關一隅,整頓出入的衣鞋物品;屏風般的弧牆,解決進門即見落地窗的穿堂避諱;而屏風之間鑿開一道隙縫,引光入室,隨著光線瞥見室內,弧牆與直角的交會,在明鏡輝映下隱約透露著家的形狀,在沉澱寧心中,伴隨光暈,享受入門的氛圍儀式感。空間位置因雨季平均室內濕度高達70-80%,除了安置交換器調配室內空氣循環,並在全室使用具有調節溫濕度功能的礦物塗料,而在大門右側運用鐵灰色包覆電箱,減去過多紊亂的線條。屋主夫妻計畫未來可能增加的家庭成員,保留配置一間多功能房。而公共領域朝半開放佈局,由於客廳沙發已預先購置完成,故設計上,讓空間依循沙發形體發展,在落地門處順著光暈著墨,牆面採用淺色礦物塗料,以及米白手工磚面呼應建築外觀, 餐廳座落在公私領域交界,局部敞開空間讓陽光可漫入此處。隨著已然改變的現代生活型態,餐桌不再只有用餐功能,同時也具備閱讀、工作等廣泛用途。藉此,牆面增加陳列展示書架,以及小家電等收納型櫃體,以部分木質柔化氛圍,居家空間的廊道,也隨著餐廳具備多重機能而活絡。衛浴及主臥室,刻意以隱藏門設計消弭多道門框輪廓線,展現舒適平整的視覺。主臥一道長虹玻璃透映光線,房間內以Queen SIZE床鋪為中心,銜接主臥衛浴和更衣間,床頭主牆上方挑空,同樣作為光線延伸的媒介,也為視覺端景衍生垂直水平的建築結構,讓端景注入些許層次。| 新北室內設計 | 空間規劃 | 中古屋翻修 |





LOCATION : 新北市      YEAR 2024   SIZE 16坪     TYPE : 住宅